Structural Concrete

Concrete foundations and other structural concrete works are a specialty of our firm. We have had extensive experience and utilize the proper techniques and materials for the job in order to insure a quality product.

Structural concrete has to be done right, exactly according to specifications. M&M Contracting Inc. makes sure it is by providing a comprehensive range of structural concrete construction services.

  • Slabs
  • Footings
  • Grade Beams
  • Generator Pads
  • Machine Pits
Our foreman and highly skilled crew excel at challenging jobs. We will review and discuss your plans carefully with you before starting work. As always, your M&M Project Manager will monitor the job from start to finish to insure a quality result.
Serving Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties
Fully Insured, Licensed and Bonded - Lic # 823930